
While everyone is hating on WordPress, us Drupal developers know...

  • 1
    Jesus this is true. And painful.
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    @veshsare Unfortunately yes. And yes.
  • 4
    Why don't the lines all start at zero? Or is Drupal way easier for beginners?
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    @th31 Irony? Humour? What are you implying exactly? It's way high since the beginning.
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    @stereo I'm just wondering if the graph means what it says. That after not much time your skills and knowledge with Drupal will be better than after the same amount of time with the others.
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    I used to be a modx developer. Now I'm doing drupal...
    Worst cms ever
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    @stereo mostly 7 with custom modules. Not allowed to use pre made stuff.
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    @geryy that's harsh dude...
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    @stero well, my boss just left the company and I can now use whatever system works for me. Goodby drupal 7
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    @geryy well, good for you man! what project are you working on?
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    A big Plattform for visualization of climate change. Now I will unleash react.js and countless npm packages to my agancy 😁😁😁
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    @geryy Good for you dude! Best of luck!!
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