

  • 1
    Am i the only one that figured out that obvious logical step over 17yrs ago?
  • 0
    @awesomeest “WE FBI!! Bank a count suspend for crime active-atty. We to your playce half our if no clock link for debbit cart information. Bit coin can take. 5000 US currentsee. Not cent, other currentsee”

    Seriously I got plenty of crap from the “UK Parliament” saying I’ll be executed if I dont give up money or something. Even though I’ve never been to Britain lol
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    What's the next step? You still need to trick the victim after they click the URL. You want it to say "log in to report this mail"? You're just adding more and more suspicion.
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    @AlgoRythm not necessarily. It depends on what your end game is and how skilled (and how much time youre willing to spend) you are.

    By them clicking a link you can already know their device info... including their OS/ver, location, ip address, MAC, dev type, even shit like if they already have their device on dev mode (aka a bunch of safety features not existing and a general gauge of cocky stupidity). Ofc youd also have their email address too... which often includes at least their first name... or a treasure trove of info linked to other, assumed anonymous, accounts.

    If they are dumb enough to have dev mode on there's even a chance (often browser dependant) that you could already be downloading whatever to their dev.
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    @TeachMeCode hey, at least you don't get a bunch of ads for penis enlargement... when youve never owned a penis.
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    @awesomeest I got breast enhancement ads, and I’m a male lol.
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    @TeachMeCode i know a few guys that might take those offers though
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    @awesomeest well at late 30’s i have to stay lean lol. I eat like pac man, bottomless pit. Made the mistake of having a small dinner and now I want to eat damn everything even if it’s a stick of butter!
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    @TeachMeCode interesting...
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    @awesomeest thanks! I just hope I don’t die of choking, I came close a few times, luckily my tongue caught it and blocked it from my windpipe!! Mozzarella with all that elasticity gave me a few close ones
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