It’s the indian clients everytime!!

I myself an Indian and still I am saying this, Indian clients are the worst.

I had more or less 4 clients from my own country india and literally everyone of them were the worst.

Irony is as an Indian myself I hate to work with typical Indian clients.

  • 3
    I had an Indian lead dev, I still cannot get over that experience

    Like how was that a real person lol

    Just entirely irresponsible
  • 5
    Unfortunately I agree. There's something different about Indian culture that makes a disproportionate amount of them bad engineers.

    I'm assuming they're pressured to go into engineering and aren't passionate about it.
  • 1
    Maybe just because they are Indian and you have had bad experiences with clients who happen to be Indian, you develop a negative bias because it’s an easy attribute to associate your thinking with…
  • 2
    I almost thought that I wrote this rant lol.
  • 2
    @shovethisrant nah I can attest, Indian clients are bitches. All of them.
  • 3
    While im certainly not indian, ive reeeaaally wanted to like indian devs and clients. This is true from a very young age.

    5yr old me (sara) thought that the indian kid(~3) had the male version of my name, saro (hindsight, i assume it was short for something... also kinda creepy that i somehow picked up on the ending vowels denoting gender then). So i decided he was my friend. Nearly half of my subdivision was indian, most doctors i encountered as well...

    Before I was in high school, had 4 indian clients (basic af web dev); one was tolerable... also had no clue what he wanted. The other 3... 2 tried to pay me some amount in, essentially, gift cards of their business-- at face value as if the kid who just built their website was also either gullible af or bad at basic math. The other paid great, and was in some alternate universe when it came to anything tech related; he was one of the customers with "my computer's suddenly broken!"... cuz it wasnt plugged in to power.
  • 2
    Yeah they're vague and I have no clue what they want

    She tried to give me a gift card but I never renewed it... Thought it was a bribe for me to review her well with the company internally but I was too busy trying to literally read some config docs she gave me because she wanted me to learn some new tech... It was a page of like 600 configuration options and it took me days to read it and I have no idea why she wanted me to know that stuff and it never came up again. Thankfully I didn't follow her instructions and one day out of boredom actually looked up what the tool does in about an hour so I could actually code in it later and she seemed unhappy I seemed to figure that out... Unenjoyable experience
  • 0
    What makes them bad clients and engineers?
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus the various aforementioned things...

    And bad engineering is kinda self-evident... results in inadequate 'solutions'.
  • 1
    @lungdart regarding culture, I also partly blame the caste system. Examples:

    Our Indian ex-manager tries to be in agreement with whoever ranks above him. Including accepting team guilt for outages we haven't caused (and have evidence) just because higher-up said it had to be us.

    Similar with a colleague from T3 support. He's above us, so he automatically disregards any information we provide and then it takes him another 2 hours out of 6 hour maintenance window to figure out what we told him in the beginnning.

    And yes, I know this is anecdotal evidence and can't be applied to whole nation/all individuals.
  • 2
    @qwwerty yeah I've seen a lot of "yes man" Indian engineers.

    Rather than fight for correct solutions, they'll say yes to bad ones, and iterate over code changes into the wee hours until something compiles, even if it's shit. They don't design systems, just add in lines of code somewhere.

    Same with days scientists, although I think it's just data scientists which are awful to begin with, not Indian culture.
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