How the fuck am I supposed to fucking keep working if these fucking clowns add mandatory peer code review and passing build gating on main repositories (which I completely agree with to be fair) but they don't fucking review pull requests at all? For fuck's sake, am I the only one that reviews them seriously and promptly in this shit ass fuck company? I follow all the recommended guidelines so don't bullshit me with "iT iS nOt FuN tO rEvIeW pUlL rEqUeStS", do your job or just remove yourself from the fucking gating process, you worthless admin ass crust.

And don't get me started on fucking builds that fail randomly because some worthless shit bucket added unstable networking tests as unittests somehow, making your pull request get auto-disapproved by peers upon failure.

I got so many pending pull requests and management won't do fuck all about it because they won't force people to do their job by fear of pushing them around and get HR complaints that I am tempted to simply give up and just start playing videogames.

  • 3
    Im the junior in my company and they don t review my shit at all. My code constantly gets approved by my seniors, and then i get asked "why did you code it like that?? after its already merged -.-
  • 0
    @Isirant sorry they put you through this, they don't have really good work ethics.

    Merges with faulty code is as much their fault.
  • 0
    If it weren't for dysfunction, nothing would function at all!
  • 1
    Shit situation OP when management won't pull their weight. Try going higher and arrange a meeting with stats 🤷 idk wish I could help
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus not much can be done sadly even up to high management. I guess letting go is the best option sometimes haha.

    Thanks for the cheer up, still.
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