  • 1
    What a bitch, public broadcasting and getting people to lose their jobs over sex jokes.
  • 3
    This is why I lose all respect for people being offended about things they are not involved in. Most of the time the perceived target of the offense doesn't actually care.

    I remember when Gary Larson made the joke about Jane Goodall and the apes she was studying. People got all bent out of shape and getting pissed off because it was so offensive to her. Her own institute was making moves against Larson. She finally saw the comic and told people to shut up because it was funny. She then became friends with Larson.
  • 0
    Couldn’t the guys have just said they were referencing “forking a repo” and a “usb dongle”?
  • 0
    I haven't got that far in the book yet!
  • 0
    I mean she was kinda a snitch but it’s not cool to make those kinds of jokes in a professional setting…
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