Codes for 2 weeks
Naw this is a bad idea. Let's revert
While reverting gets distracted by another idea
The other idea also sucks. Let's revert and also finish reverting the first idea pls 😒

  • 1
    Can definitely relate.

    Have idea 1. Gets distracted, come back with another idea.
    Stash and try idea 2

    Idea 2 sucked. git reset --hard
    git stash pop

    Take a detour from idea 1.

    Didn't like it too much, decide to go back to original idea 1

    Out of habit
    git reset --hard

    Shit. I lost idea 1

    I don't do git stash pop any more lol
  • 0
    Where are people finding two sprints worth of time to exclusively prototype something and not deliver?

    I have to sneak away time from a week over Christmas to play around

    (We do prototype when the tickets we have have solutions that don't sit right)
  • 1
    @iceb I use branches instead of stashed, that way I can run the development pipeline against any ideas I like and don't have to worry about loosing work etc + can share them with people
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