Internet: YOU are nothing without me.

My phone: Th..That's not true! She cc..can make calls ww..ithout you...and ss...send texts. Sh..Sh..She plays offf..offline games sometimes and has ddd..downloaded music to her storage that she could llii.. listen to and has a sshh..shit load of memes stocked that she sss..sometimes laughs at. I AM usef...ffuul :-/

Internet *lighting up a cigarette*: hahhaa! You can survive without me. If this were 10 YEARS ago! There's not a slightest chance, today.

My phone *starts sobbing*: sh..shut up sshhhuut uu..up.

Internet *blowing smoke rings*: you think you're the ONLY device she owns?? She has too many of them, but guess who is connected to all those devices! ME! She can't function without me. Hell, the world can't function without ME!

Electricity *rubbing it's eyes from sleep* - what's all that noise??

Phone: 😶

Internet: 😶

Phone: 🙂

(I'm about to fall asleep and there's no power right now. Back up ain't working. Life sucks)

  • 8
    *hugs tight*
  • 8
    Shoulders of giants they say.
  • 10
    That was an extremely entraining and clever way of saying the power is out. Props
  • 5
    Sad thing is, the telephone doesnt work for me either whenever the power is down. 😆
  • 3
    It got me emotionally hooked... Idk y but it was cute 😊😊
    Especially that last smile on phone haha 🤗🤗
    Awesome job 🙌🏻
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