Imagine installing the LinkedIn mobile app.

I've reached an all-time low.

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    Can't get verified because some absolute big brain out there decided to add geo-filters to the passport country list and I'm in europe so it would be totally impossible I would have a US passport

    god, welcome to the ultimately clown reality
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    I've got it bookmarked in my Chrome browser but no, I haven't downloaded the app just yet.

    I wonder how long it takes for me to finally push myself into downloading the app.
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    @kamen its called a proxy... gtfo imposter
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    @fullstackcircus what kind of verification ? to make sure your profile is real?
    Or do you mean workplace verification?
    does anyone care about that kind of verification? are we at a stage where we need to go through all the hoops to show I worked in a specific company?
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    @gitstashio unfortunately its a more complex issue than youd know
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    @awesomeest how so? can you explain a bit?
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    @gitstashio cant/wont give personal examples here but just like how people lie about *almost anything* on their CVs, ofc they do this on linkedin.

    It's like a public resume with a exploitable social network built in.

    If you ran a relatively small company (~30 employees) and lived in a small town with very few others that were similar... someone hires (or wastes tons of resources to interview/etc) someone because they view you as giving a solid example/having well trained employees, then when the guy gets fired for the sane reason he made up a CV... now your company doesnt see so great cuz u employed them for x years when they r scum

    I coukd give several other exames... and not cookie cutter versions of the aforementioned even... but its harmful to all businesses involved and people who need a job and lost it to a liar... when shit like that gets jobs, it can/often does turn good honest hard workers into the ones faking cvs
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