
Windows is so fucking stupid. Why do I HAVE to enable "Do nothing" when my lid is closed for it to be able to output to my external display while my lid is closed. Ubuntu can easily recognise that I want to use my external display and will keep my laptop running as long as it has an HDMI to a connected source.

It really fucking pisses me off I have to change my power options everyday. Seriously fuck windows. The only thing keeping me on Windows is Visual Studio, I hope they are able to port VS and the full .NET framework entirely on Linux so this shit OS can just be dead forever.

  • 1
    Why do you have to change your settings every day? Do you not turn off your computer, instead you close your lid and let it sleep? That's wasteful. Just hit sleep or better turn it off, if you have SSD your computer should boot in 5 seconds.
  • 0
    @gorsamp no it's not wasteful at all. I have never lost battery by my computer being on sleep, in fact if it's in sleep for longer than a few mins it would hibernate. I don't like to reopen my entire workspace everytime I open my laptop and so if my laptop is not plugged into a display I'd want it to go to sleep, if it is then I'd like it to stay on. I don't see what's wrong with that, Linux seems to do this totally fine and yet windows can't so I don't understand your point.
  • 0
    you can run windows apps on Linux because they use the same .exe files
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