
Performance using docker sucks. Are they even trying?

With docker 134 seconds. Without docker 7 seconds.

Docker do better.

  • 8
    What are we measuring and how?
  • 10
    @asgs OP erection time
  • 1
    The docker image: A bloody mess.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM can be if you have erection during period
  • 2
    dOcKeR iS jUsT ….
  • 1
    Are you accessing files using a bind mount to the host? Coz that can be very slow depending on setup...
  • 3
    What performance are you measuring?

    Just running things in docker would not automatically increase performance.

    But with the right preparations, spinning up things temporarily will be fast and running multiple instances can also be easier but its very much up to what problem are you trying to solve.

    A hammer is very good if you need to apply hard and quick pressure on something repeatedly :)

    But much less useful if you’re cleaning windows.

    But the later does not make the hammer a bad tool ;)
  • 1
    multiArchitecture images are a stupid idea if they make performance so slow as to be unusable.

    Dr it hurts when I lift my arm up.

    Don’t lift your arm up.
  • 0
    Another example of a useless retarded feature that some stupid product manager put on a bullet point without asking if it should be done.
  • 1
    Try containerd
  • 0
    @atheist no. Thanks my problem is I am running multiarch image on arm64. Docker probably said nobody does that. Fuck him.
  • 0
    All I am doing is running unit tests in vscode. Sucks to be me today. Quit using vscode and docker and run from the command line and my productivity increased by a factor of 10. Fuck vscode and fuck docker. Still using vscode to write the code but took docker out of the equation.
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