“I accidentally e-mailed my bank ‘delete’ and they lost everybody’s accounts. I’m sorry i’m just learning banking.”

“The latest Ethereum Parity wallet disaster”


  • 2
    Wtf !! How smart you've to be just to do that?
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    @windlessuser Yeah read about it, I'd go with ZCash then :)
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    @linuxxx it raises an interesting question. The main strength of crypto currency - the immutability- is turning out to be a really really really bad idea
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    @windlessuser the stuff around ethereum has been related to bad security and programming errors, that doesn't say anything about other algorhythms.
  • 3
    @linuxxx DO NOT use Zshit, it is not a trustworthy coin. Have a read here and let me know what you think: https://moneroforcash.com/monero-vs...
  • 3
    @endor Thanks! Saw an article from snowden a little ago about zcash and that got me interested :)
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    @linuxxx I'd reccommend you to read some about Monero then, I'm sure you'll love it! ;)
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    300 M$ in 584 wallets means those people have in average half a million in a cryptocurrency where money seems to get stolen or somehow lost regularly just because of bugs. That's some relation to money…
  • 1
    One second...
    HaHAHAHAha ahhahaha bahahhaa bahahahahabahahaha hahaha bahahaha ahahaHAHAHAhah hahaha. Ha.

    Okay, I'm done.
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