  • 7
    Holy fucking shit.

    public static bool AreTheDevsOkay() {
    return false;
  • 10
    It evens returns false if it's true. And not even just returning orig == val directly.

    I don't believe this
  • 5
    @retoor Oh I didn't even notice it, yeah, it fucking inverts the result xD xD xD xD
  • 1
    Pov: most intelligent c# engineers
  • 2
    Looks like someone wanted to have 100% test coverage 😣
  • 0
    This can be generalized into a generic utility class. I understand their frustration, it's incredibly unscalable code.
  • 0


    Adding to the cesspool of unnecessary classes ending in *Helper or *Utils...

    Of course these classes break SRP and contain more duplicated code than anything.

    NIH probably strong in there, too.

    Functional, OOP, FOOPS (FunctionalOOPShit)... When it didn't exist like the Author wanted it, it was added in yet another helper or utils class.


    Yeah. I took your comment way too personal. But I absolutely hate that mentality...
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM Ah, I see you're not a perceiver of irony 🙃
  • 2

    Usually yes... But... This struck a cluster of nerves sitting in a cluster of nerves...

    :-( *cries*
  • 0
    ???????!!!!!!! Why are we abstracting something as primitive as comparing Boolean’s??? If comparison changes, almost every codebase in existence would crash or have to go through major refactors. Likelyhood of that happening is zero.

    Why did he write a USELESS ABSTRACTING FUNCTION in an ALREADY USELESS ABSTRACTING FUNCTION to do the actual comparing???

    AND the LOGIC in that function IS WRONG!!!!
    if(boolean1 == boolean2)
    return false; <——🤬

    WTF just say return boolean1==boolean2;
  • 1
    And what’s with the naming?? What’s orig? Original?? Original what???? Aren’t we just comparing Boolean’s??? The original Boolean? Lol
  • 0
    @meaning2 no, me it from. On you toon! Title “how do code”. It free of mzumbo!! Free mzumbo! No worry, mzumbo bad. Code toot oral remain

  • 1
    @meaning2 wow what a slam .. what will I do now. My life is a lie from now on.

  • 0
    this reeks of namespace issues and/or compiler bugs. this dev was actively harmed by the compiler.
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