A company wants to conduct an interview via email exchange. Is this a red flag?

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    IDK, I'd stay there to see what approach they have come up with
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    @NeatNerdPrime thanks! Not sure why they would want to do it this way
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    My dilemma is the company seems cool enough for me to want to go thru it.
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    better than via teams.
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    that actually sounds quite nice. but yeah, probably. i'd hear them out.
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    Hmmmm I may as well go with it, as long as they’re not asking for my ssn or some shit.
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    addendum: "via email exchange" - using exchange instead of a not-garbage mail server is a red flag.
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    Depends, do you like writing emails?
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    Well UPDATE-I responded agreeing to the interview. Worst that could happen, he turns out full of shit and I end it. The company’s mission seems really cool and hopefully doesn’t turn out to be a junkyard dev startup where I am the engineer,devops, network admin, dba, product owner, accountant, chef all for min wage lol
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    Get all the information you think you require. Do not hesitate even if you have to confront
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