
I wrote some simple rules so everyone with an iPhone, iPad or OSX device that is visiting my site is redirected to https://stallman.org/apple.html

  • 5
    @Linux His whole website is so 90s... I thought I went 22 years in the past!
  • 11
    I like it, no filthy .js
  • 3
    @Linux Frames didn't require JS back then or did they?
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    Absolute genius!!! 🤣🤣😂😂 From unfortunately still a macOS user, yes I'm gonna switch to Linux as soon as I can...
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    @Linux But what's with JS? 😑
  • 6
    I don't like OSX but I still need to do iOS development. Now your site for me is the same as those who autoplay podcasts when you open article (I've even disabled autoplay, wtf they still working).
  • 5
    iOS users are retarded, just leave a way for poor OSX users
    But ok, give a link, I will visit it from Android phone (with Google services, omg)
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    @Linux I think it's Netscape frames, but that worked only on Netscape (even though it got proposed on W3C).
    I remember some websites citing "Your browser must support frames". Oh, the nostalgia... 😕
  • 4
    After reading up on it - it was basically iframes :)
  • 4
    @Linux Fair enough, but then if I understand correctly the article, JavaScript isn't the issue but more closed-source JavaScript?
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    Correct, hence my comment about "filthy .js"
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    @Linux Ahhhhhhhh I finally get it 😂😂😅 thanks for the clarification
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    Jesus Christ I feel old for knowing what frames are.
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    "I can't sympathize much with those app developers, since they are making proprietary software. They all deserve to fail." This isn't exactly true though is it? I can make an app FOSS and still have it be for iOS as far as I know.
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    Another one of these threads
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    Is this article still relevant with permissions in Android.
  • 5
    The best part of that blog.😍
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    @Sauruz It does bother me as much as Wordpress bothers you.
    IOS/OSX users cant call themself smart
  • 4
    I am the one who told him to implement "Toggle Dark Theme" in his website :)
  • 5
    "A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such a threat to freedom that I felt uncomfortable with promoting its use in this way.

    Rejecting streaming DRM is an ethical imperative because this streaming technology is intended to divide people and make them antisocial."

    Not watching a movie with friend when invited is antisocial, and divides you from people.
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    I have worked alot with startups and they have strange approach to everything. When they manage their Linux boxes they always fuck up.

    OSX is hell in enterprise. Most OSX users are IT-amputees that do not know the basics.

    Mac are good for one thing, and that is design. OSX has good options when it comes to thoose choices but as I said, OSX users is a pain to work with.

    And btw, calling people on stackoverflow is not very mature.
  • 1
    Dont call People stupid if you dont like it yourself.
  • 0
    @Linux Lol nicely done man, now, I think you overkilled it... Anyhow, that might remind @Sauruz we should watch the bullshit we say, especially when criticizing.
  • 2
    @ezbie @Linux If you read carefully, @Sauruz didn't call anyone "stupid". Read well before you criticize...
  • 2
    @Qaldim Oh, that's real, and fair on your part. My bad here, Also @Linux bad then.
  • 1
    @ezbie Don't worry, mate! I've been guilty of misreading too!!! 😅
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