What do you think about cash? Most people use cards or NFC, and I'm happy with the possibility of paying with both cash and cards, but I have friends who would like to see cash canceled altogether.

  • 1
    it's just one form of payment like any other.

    with the clear benefit against all current alternatives of "working in situations without internet", which is always a possibility.

    and it's at no point tied to a _single_ point of failure. if _your_ specific bank shuts down, cash still works.
  • 3
    Cash cannot be turned off by a government because of political differences or a social credit score.
  • 6
    Of course

    That's what the WEF wants

    The national banks in most countries around the world have been working on CBDC programs secretly. People figured it out from job posts. They should be nearly done by now cuz been 3 years in the making

    Here is some features they wanted:
    - every transaction you do is trackable by the government, and they want to tax you on your carbon consumption and other complex nonsense... Like a china-like credit score depending on your purchases
    - technically it's not money so the government doesn't have to regulate it with the laws for money, ei, over a country's evolution laws were made to protect money from being seized for example
    - automatic withdrawals by the government for child support and other such things. No more consent necessary from you
    - expiring money. Your money will expire in 30 days. Use it or lose it. No more savings, you cannot save for a house (if you thought you could now)

    The good thing about cash is nobody knows where I used it imo
  • 3
    I forget the country's name. There's some small country in the Asian ocean and they already have digital money

    And what they do is they make everything more expensive for the people visiting from other countries. So you have this card but all your prices are 50% higher

    This is how I think they will use the social credit system

    So if you are vegan you can afford food, if you like meat well I guess you can't afford rent this month because you need vitamin B12 from meat for your cells to be able to divide, silly you

    Of course they will reverse this and play politics with this like everything else. They will for example say people on pharma drugs are on a discount and look how good we are, but they want non-medicalized people to have less "optionality" in the economy (economic term for freedom). In reality pharma money goes to lobbyists which goes back to politicians, and then when governments are in debt just raise taxes! And in reality pharma drugs make you feel dead 🤷
  • 2
    @jestdotty well, that's a huge, fascinating pile of conspiracy theories if i've ever seen one.

    got some more to share? *grabs popcorn
  • 0
    I don’t use cash myself but I like the idea of society still allowing cash payments. For those who want it, and as a backup.

    But not sure if I’m willing to fight for it. Sweden is already quite cashless - for example it’s been several years since you could pay with coins and bills in most street parking meters
  • 4
    Cash is freedom.

    Electronic payments are not. They are controlled and recorded and studied, and can be frozen by … well, a lot of institutions: your bank, any transferring banks and escrow banks, the receiving bank, the police, local and federal government, SEC, etc. (or whatever institutions are in your country.) Any of these can decide you are a threat in some way and turn off your bank account, debit/credit card, PayPal/Venmo/CashApp account, etc.

    Cash, though?
    Cash is freedom. The only way to turn off cash is to outlaw it, and then outlaw gold/silver, too.
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