
I love cats more than dogs.

Despite being domesticated, cats remain true predators with true predator skills and the pedigree that comes with them. The evidence is your local government mandating house cats should wear bell collars to warn birds, as they threaten their extinction otherwise.

Modern dogs are mere scavengers that live off people and eat trash. They evolved to be cute by tilting their heads. Dogs aren't useless, mind you, I just like cats more.

But both dogs and cats are dwarfed by YE MIGHTY FROGGE. Frogs are the most fascinating and magnificent creatures to ever roam this troubled planet, maybe rivaled only by orcas. Frogs are the best. They're also the cutest, especially when touching a small yellow one can kill an elephant.

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    I like the purple ones
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    @Lensflare Frogs, cats or dogs?
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    > "I love cats more than dogs."

    I agree.
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    you do know people hunt with dogs right? them fuckers are no mere scavengers. I whistle and these big monsters take off running and come back with prey later.

    Not diminishing cats whatsoever, I love cats. But saying that dogs are mere scavengers is pretty far off. I wouldn't take a cat to hunt the shit that I do that is for sure.
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    @AleCx04 yeah. It‘s more like we own dogs but cats own us.
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    Cats and dogs are both still predators. It's just that we sortof accidentally domesticated cats to hunt tiny game (mice and rats) on their own with no supervision needed while dogs proved to be waaaay more versatile and became tools for the hunt where fine-grained control over what is done when is of the essence.

    So naturally, we selected dogs for obedience and bred specialized races for each task. It also helped a lot that dogs naturally live and hunt in small packs with a social hierarchy.

    I like cats more too. But i would prefer a dog over a cat if i where a hunter-gatherer while i would really want a cat if i where a grain farmer. Obviously, both are good as emotional support animals with trained dogs also being good for guiding blind people, reminding people on taking their meds (also bringing them their meds when they need them). Modern city house cats and dogs are both dependent on their human food dispensers.
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    @Oktokolo agree with everything except for cats being good as emotional support :)
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    @Lensflare So you don't bind over cleaning up cat puke?
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    @Oktokolo I now reside in a very small rural town that has stray animals problem. Dogs do nothing but bark at night, beg for food near cafés, and tear garbage bags apart in search for something to eat. Meanwhile, stray cats mostly live in the fields, catching mice and other small rodent. Some of them do live in the city, but they remain hidden, and you'll never see a cat begging.
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    @kiki I definitely have seen cats (stray and "owned") begging.

    Often a cat's begging can be easily confused with just demanding payback of an ancient natural dept owned by any human to any cat though.
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