
wut o.O

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    Kill chrome. Restart chrome.
  • 3
    U got a bitcoin miner installed my dear brother
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    @Lensflare i abandoned using chrome ever since they forced blocking me from watching YouTube unless i disable adblock. I switched to Brave browser and never looked back. Brave is literally the exact same like chrome but with free vpn free built in ad block updates free privacy and data protection free anti tracking mechanisms free tor free proxies and much more! I cant believe i didnt switch to Brave sooner. Fuck chrome. Googly google fucking ass
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    @dontbeevil in case that you still think that it‘s only MS…
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    @b2plane I did the same thing
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    actually btc miner?
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    huh ok cool 👀
  • 1
    @dontbeevil look at the tags
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    this guy is just humblebragging that he has the 96GB RAM mac
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    @Lensflare and funny enough , only Edge on Microsoft and Safari on Apple do not eat your entire ram capacity.
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    @fullstackcircus this too but genuinely want to know why my ram so high! Switched laptops yesterday and I've never seen it that high :O
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    Ohhhhh it's the cached files! 🙄🤦‍♂️
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    This handy script gives you your actual total

    ps -eo args,rss | awk '{command = $1; sub(/ .*/, "", command); process[command]+=$2/1024; total+=$2/1024} END {for (i in process) {print i, process[i]"Mb"}; print "Total", total"Mb"}'
  • 1
    @lopu good cache there...
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