
VSCode's file watcher doesn't fucking work though, you self-important pricks. This attitude specifically is why I hate corporate software. "This is difficult, so you should use our solution." Why is the assumption that you fuck up less than the rest of the community?

  • 5
    That‘s probably the reason why they allow to run your own file system watching mechanism :)
    Theirs doesn‘t work reliably.
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    Our shitty implementation is better than your shitty implementation.
  • 6
    @Demolishun we suck, but you suck more!
  • 1
    @jestdotty Did Atom create any value other than Electron and the last use case for coffeescript?
  • 0
    wait, is that a GitHub issue? OSS‽ Patch it or ditch it, bud
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    its the very concept, that is already rotten in its core: trying to serve everyone with in one serving.

    the thought behind this is pure greed: trying to get as much as possible through investing the least. If you're being honest, then you'll have to admit that its a system of giving a shit about others.
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    @vlord As a language developer, I have finite resources, and I'd rather spend them making different tools for my language than building the same exact editor support for every editor, or building a text editor, or trying to co-opt a purpose built editor to serve the different purposes of my language.

    General purpose editors and LSP are a necessity. It's really embarrassing that Microsoft did it first when we had both high profile companies specializing in code editors and a wide range of open-source editors all struggling with a limited set of poor quality language plugins, all this for almost a decade when VSCode showed up.
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    @aviophille Right, just let me quickly assign left and right arrow to step through line breaks because it doesn't happen by default, install a 3rd party file tree, a 4th party search bar, a 5th party git client, then debug why the git client responds to keybindings in edit mode by default, just to end up with a UI where the spaces are multiples of 1em and the fonts are all the same size and all monospace so it's actually vastly less space efficient than vscode.

    Vim is the epitome of a lack of design mistaken for minimalism.
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    > Using the mouse is good for children and spazs who like to click and push on things. Adults uses ttys.

    Brought to you by the guy who is offended when his favorite language is being called shit.
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    @aviophille hey this is bullying and abuse! I am very angry and insulted!

    <insert wall of rambling here, divided into multiple comments>
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    @lorentz wow, leave vim out of it, man, you'll only embarrass yourself
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    @Lensflare is it though? I mean, so many users it's probably a sewage fan kind of situation
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    Today I finally replaced the broken file watchers with Node's fs.watch, which is hopelessly broken in various ways, but in stark contrast to VSCode's file watcher it does actually detect file changes.
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    @lorentz you mean you develop languages like typescript or similar?

    for me, vscode is one of the best editors in terms of ease of access, intuitivity, and support for all kinds of plugins, languages, and other kinds of extensions.

    I generally was very happy with it right from the start and it can do so much stuff now, it has become my primary ide basically.

    Before that, I used sublime3, sublime2, notepad++, dreamweaver and the good old barebones text editor for programming.

    Stuff you can still use if you want.

    I also am somehow used to re-inventing the wheel now after years in development. Heck, I started to believe this is what our times are all about. Everyone fixing the same task/bug, wasting countless hours, because we all get presented identical problems, at the same time.

    Thanks to updates and bleeding edge technologies we use.

    How do we want to prevent this for good? Everyone makes mistakes sometimes I guess.
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    @vlord I like VSCode too, though the adverse effects of hegemony are already showing, eg. in that they have been talking about the need for a better lexer plugin system than regex for 5 years yet continue to polish nearly perfect features instead of actually implementing any of the countless ideas for this severely lacking aspect, or that even though the editor is built on Node, its file watcher is somehow less reliable than the stock one that comes with Node.

    All things considered it's not a bad platform, which is why I chose to implement initial IDE support for it, but it's very far from good so I continue to complain about its shortcomings.

    In the mean time, I'm eagerly awaiting desktop packages and language extension support in Zed.
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