
Two things I learned in 2023:
- If you want to lose weight, you have to eat more (protein), not eat less
- Unhealthy coping numbs the pain at the moment for the price of amplifying it later

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    more protein is _not_ for losing weight, but for building muscle mass.

    muscle mass, however, increases base energy consumption.

    and in the end, it is, was and ever will be: you lose weight if, long term, your body absorbs less calories than it spends.
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    @tosensei You mean a GenZ (spendthrift) body instead of a Boomer (saver) body
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    @ViRaS sorry, but my IQ is not low enough to categorize people by those meaningless labels, so i don't really know what you're talking about.
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    @tosensei I wasn't categorizing anyone, it was just a metaphor.
    Just like to lose weight, the body needs to spend more calories than it consumes, which is similar to the GenZ mindset where they spend more than they earn due to consumerism and credit schemes.
    On the other hand Boomers were inclined towards saving, just like a fat body that doesn't burn all the calories it consumes and stores them as fat.
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