
I already have two (very smart) people telling me my frameworkless JavaScript looks like Go. But I don't know Go and never wrote a line in it.

  • 0
    I hate everything about Go. We needed faster languages, not another syntax. On top, afaik, go compiles himself with the source as script in it. Lame
  • 1
    @retoor the syntax itself ain't that bad tbh, Go does 100% not shine in terms of elegance, you can't be smart in Go, the thing is pretty much like Python in that there is preferably only one way to do things.

    But at least in terms of speed I don't find it slow. We replaced a couple of in house python and php cli based scripts with Go, the benefits are noticeable and the syntax is so simple even the more senior devs in my team were able to pick it up within a day or two.

    What does compiling with the source as script mean btw? legitimately curious, not trying to start a flame war or anything, you may have insight into something i am overlooking
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