
As the Junior on my team, I get frustrated because I don’t know when it is acceptable to ask for help. I don’t know at what point I should find the answer myself or just ask my coworkers.

I am very resourceful and I know how to find information so I am able to help myself 95% of the time.

However, this often includes days of spinning my wheels and not making any progress which is extremely frustrating

  • 1
    Set a time limit on how long you can spend spinning your wheels. Talk to other devs you work with on how long they spin before asking for help. Maybe your manager has ideas on this.
  • 1
    It’s not that hard I think. Try to solve the problem yourself. If stuck, search for help online. If that doesn‘t help, ask your team mates.
  • 2
    @Demolishun @Lensflare thank u guys for the advice. I talked to my coworkers and they told me that if I spend more than a day with no progress then I should reach out which is good
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