Fuck Sora. Fuck OpenAI. Fuck AI.

And Fuck any influencer who's running screaming doomsday is coming.

  • 3
    doomsday is coming!

    gimme all your money cuz you won't need it now!
  • 0
    I think judgement day is coming for some. Pendulum is swinging the other way and is gaining speed.
  • 2
    It's fineeee. This is what we wanted ever since science fiction was a thing anyway. We'll figure it out
  • 1
    but doomsday IS coming
  • 0
    @kobenz With all due respect, piss off.
  • 2
    And fuck every single AI content creator on LinkedIn. Every. Single. One. Of them.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy are you canceling my sarcasm with more sarcasm? 😲
  • 2
    why do I get irritated when I hear or read the word "Influencer"?
  • 0
    @jestdotty doomsday has come and gone a long time ago. how else can you explain this shithole of a world, except for "this is hell"?
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