Once again, I urge you all to read any LLM threads on hackernews... its funny seeing tech bros debate things they clearly don't understand

it also wouldnt hurt for them to read perhaps just one philosophy book, since they are attempting to argue about what conciousness actually is (still an open question anyway) so ultimately, what i am trying to say is, these stupid threads end up being a bunch of hot air being blown around that doesnt really accomplish anything

i will say it is funny though how close some of these tech bros think we are to AGI with these LLMs πŸ˜‚

imagine thinking a text generator is nearly general intelligence = clueless

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    They should at the very least a basic statistics book and a neural networks introduction... They have literally no idea how it works yet they attribute properties to it as if it's sentient.

    You know the quote "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"..

    I'd say we could spell out another one "With sufficiently low understanding anything is indistinguishable from magic"... In turn the more we understand any given topic, the less magical it appears to us...

    It's annoying but alas, they will be lead out of their ignorance once we're stuck with similarly performing LLMs for the next 2 decades.
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    I've heard that common test-argument, "suppose that a robot has arms and legs and eyes and all the required hardware. Drop it in a kitchen and ask it to make a cup of coffee. If it figures it out, it has AGI"
    But, bitch, humans can't do that. Get a western teenager and drop them in a traditional Indian kitchen, ask them to cook... anything. They might eat something raw if they find the right jar, but they are unlikely to figure out the tandoor.

    So, I agree. LLMs are not the pinnacle of evolution, they are the next corporate tax tool our children will be bored with.
    Maybe someday we will achieve an education system effective enough to train any toddler human into a true General Intelligence, requiring only a couple decades of training.
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    You should talk to the engineers working in the space. I know a few personally and they disagree that is just a text generator.
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    @lungdart there are "engineers" in all software jobs that are objectively wrong, meh
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    @Hazarth ping me in 5 years. I'll owe you a pizza if AGI isn't a thing.
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    @lungdart I like those odds friend, I'll offer a pizza back if it is :)
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    @lungdart hey siri, set a reminder for 5 years to "search devrant for ping AGI 5 years and to skip lunch"
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    I got bored with those.
    All of this AI is just boring. There is nothing to watch, nothing to listen, nothing to see. Copy cats AI everywhere, everything fucking looks the same. Like what AI can do that people can’t ?
    What robots can do that people can’t ?
    We stopped evolving as humans at point when we started believing technology can replace us instead of help us grow faster and better as a human being.
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    @lungdart ML engineers are the most delusional demographic i've ever met. and that's saying much cuz we have politicians

    they'd make the cult people of the 80s blush
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