Yay, our 2FA of our accounts for the stores are linked to the phone number of the CTO who has left the company

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    sue the CTO for not correctly relinquishing company assets
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    Very nice.
    Let me guess - he was fired for incompetence?
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    @tosensei could have been a simple mistake (albeit a dumb one)

    I would lawyer up only if the dude refuses to provided that after being contacted.
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    @AleCx04 it's a "C"-level person. 1) those shouldn't ever ever ever do such grievous mistakes 2) those almost always deserve getting sued.
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    @tosensei smaller company, he resigned as cto but still works for the company as a contractor and is terminally online (1 or 2 days a week).

    He got promoted to CTO when there were 4 employees. No need to be hostile to him. He is one of the most competent people at the company :)
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    @wojtek322 "no need to be hostile" - disagree. people taking the only access to company-wide needed resources with them when leaving deserve hostility.

    also: people who call themselves "CTO" in a 4-employee-company deserve another bite of the hostility-sandwich for being pompous.
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    @tosensei Company grew to 40-ish people and he did fullfill the role of CTO. But I agree that getting that title when the company just started means nothing. But in the end, it was well deserved.

    Nearly no one has logged in on this account for over a year so it was just forgotten instead of malicious intend.

    In philisophy, there is something called "Hanlon's razor" that pretty much says: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." and it fits here
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    @wojtek322 on the "C"-level, any kind of incompetence qualifies as malicious intent by default.

    also: keeping company-2fa on a _private_ phone is a total no-go anyway.
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    @tosensei kindly disagree, he was the person that was fully responsible for the ship not to sink. He did document that this should be fixed asap but it got put in the backlog because the CEO is way too optimistic and cannot time manage. The CEO kept asking for more features that the CTO was mainly developing and could never finish these smaller tasks.

    you can look at my other rants and you'll get a good idea how the CEO managed the company and fully understand why the CTO quit out of frustration.
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    @tosensei I have met mom&pop type owners that have a "C" level person, I would say that these are not the same as (for example) Coca-Cola's CTO
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