
It’s the big things.
Microsoft Kin. Both models. Brand new, not a single scratch. Full package.
M$ spent around a billion dollars to make these. They were discontinued after TWO MONTHS. Fewer than 10,000 units were sold. That makes one of them worth $100,000 in development.

  • 6
    When your favorite rapper brags about his ice, Kiki just rocks two green Microsoft Kin bands.
  • 7
    Oh, and if your boss comes running blabbering something incoherent about “supporting Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 6.12; en-US; KIN.Two 1.0)”, don’t worry. It was me visiting your website.
  • 1
    wait 10 years... they'll be worth half a mil each somehow by some neckbeard somewhere willing to pay
  • 7
    @fullstackcircus in 10 years of inflation half a mil will be the price for a mid-sized orange
  • 1
    @JsonBoa shiiiiiiitttttttttt
  • 2
    i hope you haven't bought these but found them in the trash somewhere...

    imagine actually paying for microsoft "hardware"
  • 1
    @tosensei Microsoft keyboards and mice are unironically gorgeous
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