Excel is a powerful and extremely versatile application, but one thing that really SUCKS about it, is that formulas are language-specific! So if using Outlook in - for example - Swedish you can't write "IF(<expression>,<then>,<else>)" but instead "OM(<expression>;<then>;<else>)". Note the semi-colon instead of comma (because in Swedish comma is used as decimal). AAARGGH! This pisses me off!

  • 2
    They are internally stored in english, so i don't see why there isn't a switch to do them in English in the program.
  • 0
    @CWins That would make sense, but I can't seem to find any option to turn off translation of formulas. Translating functions is more than a bit silly really. It's like if programming languages were translated. Who is being helped by that? So, instead of learning all function names in one language, you need to learn them in your native language as well. Unless you're a) a native English speaker, b) really never going to code in any other language than your own, limiting possible jobs to...zero. I don't know of anyone coding anything in Swedish - well, except for these stupid excel formulas where our native language is forced upon us, like if we were too outbackward to know any English.
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