
For the past 5 odd years my Bluetooth headphones wouldn't connect to my laptop properly and I had to issue a second Connect command while the first was pending to get it working. I even wrote a script to automate this: https://github.com/lbfalvy/...

Today Bluez finally released a patch for this. That's right, after many years, today the issue got fixed; Connect now returns an error if a call is already pending.

My headphones still don't work, but my workaround is now correctly recognized as invalid input.

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    Oh man ! 😂
    Is that a common issue with those headphones or you just got a faulty one ?
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    @ViRaS I found one other person on the internet who complained about the same issue on Reddit a couple months before it emerged for me with a different but similar type of Sony headphones.
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    @lorentz Were they still under warranty when the issue emerged ?
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    @ViRaS No, they were working correctly for a couple years.
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    Solution problemed.
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    I traced the issue to this file, I'm clueless because I don't engage often with Bluetooth, C or the Linux kernel, but I'm pretty sure that the type of message it fails on starts as disallowed and is never explicitly set to allowed.

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    It sometimes works and I'm never in a rush with this so frankly I'd just like to figure out what's the smallest unit that I have to restart in order to reroll whether the next connection can succeed.
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    I set up a null sink that I copy via AudioRelay to my phone which is able to connect to my headphones with Bluetooth. AudioRelay on both devices reports around 10ms latency, where the fuck does the other 200ms come form then??
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    Sony does have firmware updates for their bt headphones. Did you check that out?
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    @hjk101 Yes, it never solved the problem, not even temporarily.
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    Bluetoothd locks up whenever I attempt to connect to my headset. Today the controller went down and wouldn't come back when I restarted bluetoothd, I had to cycle the antenna with rfkill. Even if the headset is broken, a faulty peer should NOT cause this much trouble to a safe Bluetooth implementation.
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    Apparently the problem is entirely confined to BLE, if I use regular Bluetooth it works fine (although it's way more sensitive to distance and walls).

    I had to try to pair my headphones to a Windows PC to notice that there are two entries and only one has a LE prefix, which led me to try the other one with my laptop.
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