I don't know if I should be sad or be happy...
It's a few days left until I get back to college from my IT internship. The team was awesome. Literally awesome. The chief wanted to hire me as a developer. He asked me if I would accept his apprenticeship offer. I got stuck and couldn't answer :D
I would accept it, but I can't rn. Still want to study...

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    @IllSlapU the aerospace engineering vs dev vs ethical hacker... argh so many choices
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    Ask them if they would hire you part time while you study. Maybe you could work out something to work more while your vacation time and less while studying while still being paid the same in total 🤔
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    My parents are proud of me.
    My dad even actually helps me with that rant situation (dev).
    I don't even know how come they are like this. They were always strict. That's such a warmness on my soul.
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    @IllSlapU that's right. But... the thing (goes Skraa!) is that I'm somehow thinking that I won't be able to finish my future courses at the university.
    Like I am too lazy... dammit
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    @kolaente so you want me to ask them, if they would hire me as a part timer?
    I mean... I don't even have a completed developer background. At least not a real certificate-like proof.
    That's why he directly asked me about the apprenticeship and not a regular job offer.
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    I'd go for the part-time/apprenticeship thing as well! And keep studying in the meantime as well, if you can.
    Of course, you will have to sort out your priority asap!

    As an aerospace engineering student myself, I found that having a big side project can be a massive kickstarter, if you don't sit on your arse and become active. Doing something you enjoy is a great motivator
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    @gitpull they asked you if you want to work there do they probably don't care if you are a certified developer or not. Explain your situation. Tell them you really want to do both.

    (Are you by any chance in Germany? Because I know there exists such thing)
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    @kolaente Komme aus der Umgebung Minden-Lübbecke :)
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    Meinst du eventuell das duale Studium?
    Ich mache momentan den Informationstechnischen Assistenten mit der FHR am Ende ((kommendes Jahr))
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    @gitpull Ahhh ok. Also. Jaaa genauu. Es gibt sowas wie ein duales Studium, da arbeitete du in den Semesterferien und teilweise während du studiert. Außerdem gibts praxissemester, da arbeitet du dann die ganze Zeit in der Firma. Von det Hochschule wird man dann während des Studiums auch praktisch betreut.
    Hier die Version von der Hochschule Darmstadt: https://h-da.de/studium/... (das was du brauchst heißt kosi)
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