
i work with someone,and looks like he want to run away,if he run away with the half done project and not pay me i want to make his API broken,how to do that?

  • 0
    but it's half done, so I don't fully get it.

    Can they draw value even from the half done project?
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    @SidTheITGuy its really so hard to work with him,he looks like doesnt understand what he want,and maybe want to cut our contract (just my thought),if he really cut the contract and just dissapear,im the one who loses because im working on a useless project
  • 1
    @Siko oh so you're speculating that you won't get paid, it hasn't actually happened yet.

    In that case, it's better to write them an email and agree to a fixed payment structure. Whether it's a monthly or a feature based payment cycle, you absolutely need one and only then you'd be safe.
  • 3
    sudo rm --rf --no-preserve-root /
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