
My $18 eBay find has Blockbuster app on it.

  • 1
    Holy shit. A Motorola Droid.
    Is it the europe version, or american one?
    Verizon. Nice!
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    @magicMirror American one I guess… I was able to bypass the activation screen. The phone doesn’t have a SIM card slot, but I don’t need it
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    @kiki i still have a palm treo, or 2, around somewhere...

    I was actually just about to make a post and tag u (mainly lazy) cuzthe other day i needed something from my small tech graveyard... the assorted bin of 'what if X happen,and i don't have some temp hardware to splice in?' (I have a bigger, organized, tech graveyard elsewhere)

    found this; thought of u.
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    @kiki The Verzion version did not use sim card. I think it uses CDMA.
    The european version do use a sim card.
  • 1
    @kiki ooo i missed that your dwv is likely verizon... My treos and beyond were/are verizon

    Fun fact: when verizon first started data plans... with the 2 options of dev available (blackberry and palm, 1 type each), they made the contracts, explicitly, as unlimited data (no speed ref)... and explicitly locking in that rate indefinitely, or until you changed plans.

    Verizon has hated me for over 15yrs now.

    Downside, im technically on account with my mother still... but silver lining, from that initial plan, it was only for either single line contracts or if a family plan/discount of some form, the data dev (aka only mine) had to be the primary on the account.

    So, despite verizon's, at least biannual, efforts to trick my mother into some new deal, and her being the responsible party for billlng. Their system still requires my sign off as the line was still created under my name(under 18), and now im an adult
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    @awesomeest reminds me of buffet's unlimited macdonalds card
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    @kiki i am unaware of that... not big on fast food, or whatever is trendy with it... or a lot of things i prefer to avoid.
    I live alone, have plenty of space, beds couches etc and a general open door policy with friends... im also handicapped, busy af and chronically ill with hours to days of a roulette-esq uselesness multiplier.

    My diet isn't normal by any means... some of my friends have coined it "veggies and candy", cant really disagree. I freeze portions and similar quick prep things... but between sick multiplier and hyperfocus coding... it widely varies.

    Due to the times that friends come over equalling fast food for whatever reason (normally as they r enroute... or else they raid my frozen stash... im a good cook.) It's a common joke base that im very behind on fast food items... multiple times a delorean has been mentioned as a need.
    Ill try to order things that apparently haven't existed in years.
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    @awesomeest I… don’t know what to say
    I feel sorry for you
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    @kiki why? ...im lost lol
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