
Someone tell ne why this song reminds me of @b2plane ?

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    Thought it was gonna be this vid at first:

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    Shit song
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    @Demolishun i grew up listening to skrillex
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    @donkulator boring nazi song
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    Nah, if you want sido, you gotta go with this https://youtu.be/i5-NnEGU29I/...
    Though it's not like @b2plane understands german (or most of reality) it's totally a cautionary tale about creating messed up kids... for b2plane its not drugs and parties, its shitting and textually being an exhibitionist... just on devRant since it's the closest thing to a social group/party he has.

    Pretty sure b2plane on drugs would either normalise him, or create a black hole/singularity of some form, cuz hed be easily cast for one of those old "this is your brain on drugs" campaigns...but without needing to act.

    Now im curious about his childhood (i mean before he was 18)
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    @Demolishun not sure what dynamic youre referring to as potentially dunning kreuger...explain?
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    @awesomeest dude in video seems to overestimate his abilities. I see similar with newer devs. Which quickly turns into Imposter Syndrome as reality sets in. I see that in me sometimes when learning something I thought was "easy".
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    @Demolishun @donkulator @b2plane

    I had totally forgot this song existed for well over a decade... this has to be the b2plane theme song!
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    @awesomeest I keep thinking of things his hot blonde girlfriend said:

    1. only have kids if can make money on them

    2. contraception fails inexplicably

    which leads to:

    3. waiting for announcement of pregnant

    4. has to pay child support
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    @Demolishun next time youre learning something that youve mistaken as easy, assuming its not proprietary... mind telling me. Im kinda curious if id be able to tell a difference from the somewhat random shit ive always easily picked up... maybe itd be hard for me (*fingers crossed*) . I also reeeeally need a valid frame of reference on things like that.

    Apparently knowing more web design than ostream, plus c, fortran, a bunch of other junk(mixed bag of practicality, but all moresi than Fortran... even then lol)and hardware, incl driver writing, in 3rd grade, plus the whole autistic af thing... means i have zero clue about things like "common" sense or difficultly levels... hell just a year ago i found out people "practice" coding... took 3 days of asking friends to explain.

    (im still curious if ostream actually didn't know you could change the OS of a mac or was just posting that thread as bait.... but his intelligence is questionable so the former seems a bit more likely)
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    @awesomeest I used to be pretty knowledgeable about 3d modeling using blender (I thought). Gets a hold of a new blend file for a more advanced animating rig: What the hell is all this shit? It is not out of reach, just completely foreign.
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    @Demolishun well im a dinosaur for a reason... i tend to get annoyed at new 'easier' things easily. I have a very firmly rooted hsbit of just making workarounds so i can use the same things i prefer, yet create an equal (typically better) result/product.

    Maybe it's the autism and ocd... who knows... but in recent years i realised i was doihg this outside of tech/dev too... but i just mod my env.

    In dev it started in 2 distinct ways.
    1. New Windows ver wouldn't let me use the +/- keys to make the brush and eraser any specific size (also made it harder to use without a mouse... like coordinates). I tried just downloading the previous ms paint. It didn't like that...4 months later i effectively spliced the kernel, maiy its recognition mechanisms and wrote a script that checked what values Windows expected... then modify it to pass... i got old psint back.
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    2. i got annoyed with my mom and bro fucking the pc up...til it was so slow that fixing it , again, annoyed me/wasted time>> hidden partitions w/my prefs and clean OS, switched to fix the fk ups .. stull have hdddwn pars on all her decs
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