
Facebook doesn't even let users select text without opening dev tools? Either it's broken or broken by design. I think it used to be possible 10 years ago, but maybe I'm just fooling myself about the good old days. What a shit show the internet has become. Sad!

  • 1
    Do they even use their own platform? I don`t like React and I don`t like Insta, but facebook.com is the worst of all ... or , well, wait, there`s that metaverse BS
  • 7
    This is just user hostile bullshit. If someone wants to rip off content they will do it with a script. Not copy and paste.
  • 2
    I hate websites that don't let you highlight stuff

    or ones that if you copy something they insert a link to themselves

    it's gross

    been happening increasingly over time though
    they're overriding normal browser functionality to be dicks on purpose
  • 3
    @jestdotty mhhm. Try doing that in Teams. You will copy time and sender of the message instead 😆😆😆. Why tf.
  • 1
    It's standard practice on mobile, such as the devrant app.
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