
It's 20-freakin'-17. Why aren't decent internet speeds the norm yet? (And I'm not taking about rural areas, I mean near the town center). If my and a friend are both streaming a movie, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO FUCKING GIVE UP HALFWAY THROUGH JUST BECAUSE HE HAS TO KEEP PAUSING SO FREQUENTLY TO FUCKING BUFFER THE DARN FUCKING THING! WHY!? I CAN'T FUCKING FOLLOW A MOVIE IF THERE ARE CONSTANT FUCKING INTERUPTIONS EVERY TEN OR SO FUCKING MINUTES FUUUUUUUUCCK.

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    Actually quite unrelated. But I don't delete my errors as if nothing happened.😜
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    Heh.. Come stay in SA for a while, most of our country's network is still running on copper lines (I've got a 4mb connection).. When you get back home you'll think that remote server is sitting in your living room. :/
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