
Well this is interesting:

Will be interesting to see what happens here. I knew there was a jack up on prices for accessories. Never imagined it would be a lawsuit. I wonder if there is any collusion by Apple and Google to keep other phone makers out of markets? It seems like most phones are either iPhone or Android based. Maybe that part is organic.

  • 2
    I think there is likely an unhealthy rivalry between Apple and Google, but the popularity of the iPhone and Android could also be a natural result of technological superiority. https://retrobowlgame.org
  • 2
    This is definitely an interesting situation to watch. The idea of ​​price hikes on accessories like chargers or earphones has been a sore point for many users, and the lawsuits surrounding it could shed light on underlying business practices. As for collusion between Apple and Google, while there is no concrete evidence of this, both companies have been subject to broader antitrust concerns in the past.
  • 0
    This is definitely an interesting topic! It’s always fascinating to see how technology evolves and impacts different industries. Speaking of interesting, I recently stumbled upon some fun and engaging games on poki games while taking a break. They’ve got a great variety that keeps things fresh. Anyway, curious to see how this situation unfolds!
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