
mood rn

  • 1
    looks like something built to cross the iron curtain, what's its purpose?
  • 5
    @lorentz google Marvin Heemeyer
  • 11
    So you have a planning dispute, and the local authority decides against you. What do you do?

    Southern Europe: ignore the decision to the greatest extent possible.

    Britain: do as you're told but complain about it for the rest of your life.

    Northern Europe: do as you're told because it's the grown-up, sensible thing to do.

    America: start with a homemade tank, a week's supply of tinned food, and a bunch of guns, and just sort of see where the inspiration takes you.
  • 1
    @donkulator you're aware that what he did was beneficial to everyone he hated, right? He's dead, his land is owned by the factory that wanted to ruin his life, insurance paid for every single house he demolished. American capitalism crushed a simple, hard-working man, as it always does. Mayer of the town called it “Marvinless”. Cruel.
  • 2
  • 3
    This vehicle is an accurate physical representation of `git reset --hard HEAD`
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