
People with a computer engineering degree, what do you do for work?

  • 2
    iOS app development currently
  • 13
    Everyone here is a carpenter.
  • 1
    @lungdart Carpenter Brut
  • 3
    I work at Starbucks. How'd you like your coffee, sir?
  • 2
    Mostly Web development at the same pay as a bunch of bootcamp graduates. The only difference is, I appear less productive because a lot of my day is spent “pair programming” err mentoring and explaining how things work.

    Saying no or rejecting due time constraints is considered being a bad teammate 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    I don't have a CS Degree 😐
  • 3
    I develop bugs for muney. And then I fix them for more muney.
  • 2
    @lungdart I work with a lot of logs, that is for sure.
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