
Took some time off with the Mrs for our crotch goblin's first birthday and it was wonderful. I properly switched off for the first time since he was born, barely touched a keyboard, went outside, slept. I felt great.
But Jesus H Christ trying to get my mind back into work mode is a slow and difficult process. More coffee please.

  • 3
    But.. you were out...
  • 3
    @netikras I didn't realise I was out until it was too late. I'd fully intended not to be out, I was supposed to work on some personal projects in the evenings and it just didn't happen.

    Next thing I knew I'd had a taste of freedom and was staring down the barrel of my first day back in.
  • 6
    Please tell me the kid's legal name is Crotch Goblin
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne just a nickname I'm afraid. We plan on having more and we thought there might be ramifications to legally naming them all the same thing.
    I'm not sure if once a sibling arrives this one will become Crotch Goblin Number One, OG Crotch Goblin, Crotch Goblin I, or something else.
  • 1
    @DamoMac nice. Some alternatives. Scrambled Egg, Huge Financial Drain, Screampie, Semen Demon, Loin Fruit
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