What kind of side projects are you guys building?

Anything opensource?

  • 4
    A few terminal utils to completely replace Android Studio. Oh, and GNU weapons of mass destruction.
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    For more details, see github link.
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    I'm working on replacement servers for some 3DS games
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    @DEVil666 don‘t get caught by Nintendo
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    @Lensflare Hopefully they have more critical things to worry about, for example figuring out how to avoud to have one of their main customer bases (kids) stole by publishers which makes F2P stuff like Roblox or asset swap mobile games.

    Yuzu devs got legal troubles but they could've avoided that if they didn't offered paid patches for unreleased games.
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    @Lensflare your game isn't on there
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    I'm working on retoorscript. An useless programming language
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    @retoor yes, it’s because I haven’t decided yet if I want to open source it.
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    Built a database client for an open source db, which had poor api interface, a memory interchange library, and some cool gfx stuff which I'd rather not mention more about.

    Not open sourcing it, because I love seeing muppets catch up to it. ;)
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    @retoor your own programming language?
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    News aggregator. Private repo. An achievable project to learn a handful of new tech.
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    I’m working on a Discord bot in nodejs and It is open source.
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