
Just a friendly reminder that the word “trie” does, in fact, exist.

  • 8
    technically, _every_ word that you write down exists.

    even kjsdfhisdoe.
  • 3
    @tosensei a kjsdfhisdoe is a kinda panda btw. They're from the east of India. Sid is on the picture with one. They're very sexualy active. They eat fis and trie
  • 3
    trie is how Italians pronounce tree or three.
  • 1
    @Lensflare I thought it's the germans...
  • 3
    @netikras nonono, ze Germans pronounce it "sree".
  • 1
    So it‘s like Brie, but with 3
  • 0
    @possum so, if you buy cheese at a french airport, and then fly to the USA. When you all get up to disembark the plane the entire top of the plane smells like someone shit themselves or had massive farts the whole way. Everyone be looking around wondering who did that, not saying anything. Just get your baggage and your cheese and go home.
  • 1
    @Demolishun yes, that‘s le way
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