
Every now and then you need a kick to your nutsack and vagsack to realize how replaceable you are and be humbled.

For that I am opening a gym where we train for this event by kicking your ball sack.

  • 5
    Oh I wish I was replaceable. Someone this good and this cheap? Doesn't appear often.
  • 3
    bold of you to assume I don't enjoy being kicked there
  • 1
    Can I kick your balls as training ?

    I want to kick them to remind them that I am still here to fix their shit and the least they can do is to bear the pain.
  • 2
    I try very hard to make myself replaceable. You might need 3 people to replace me, but if I leave tomorrow you won't lose any knowledge. Just skill.

    Humble? What's that?
  • 3
    Haha never heard it be called vagsack before
  • 3
    "Kick Ball Gym"
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus Same here... but if it looks like a sack I suspect there are bigger issues than being replaceable at work.
  • 4
    So I asked for a 27% raise today. We will see how hard I get kicked in the balls soon.
  • 0
    @Grumm yes mine is already iron hard.
  • 1
    @Demolishun remember to kick it extra hard
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