
I currently have a design meeting with the CEO. He joined the meeting on his iPhone mini and the designs are for a desktop app.

What a joke

  • 3
    10 minutes left in the meeting and we have yet to start with the designs \o/
  • 2
    CEO attends the design meetings?
  • 4
    @asgs yea, company of 30-40 people.

    The front-end team consists of 2 devs (including me) and I have to do designs so yeah, it's not according to the best practices.
  • 0
    What a fucking joke
  • 0
    I work for a consultancy and we have a Product Manager even though we've never built a product. Loads of people keep going to him with ideas for a "product" but none have been. It's always been a very bespoke solution that people think can be sold. Yes, it can be sold as a solution to other people, but only if they use exactly the same tech stack and have exactly the same use case. We're also happy to change it to the meet any client's needs. That doesn't sound like a product to me.
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