Let me confess something:

I've used funny stories I heard from friends to tell to other people as my own to appear funnier and cooler.

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    Who doesn't?
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    we know
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    look at you, you're just like the average shitty person

    so unique
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    @netikras I meant in my real life ... the dev stories I've shared here are my own.
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    @SidTheITGuy Yes. We know.
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    @netikras you're freaking me out. What do you mean you know?
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    @NickyBones yeah but I feel like a cheater.
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    @SidTheITGuy I mean that we know that you do that.
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    Perfectly fine. I mean imagine if everyone always credited the chain of original people he heard that from.

    "Lemme tell you a joke I heard from my Brother, who head it from his Doctor, who heard it from his favorite prostitute, who heard it from her therapist, who made it up on one of their sessions!..."

    Impossible to maintain. We all just say funny stories that we find funny to share it with others. It's nice if you want others to experience the same joy you felt when you heard the story, even if it's not real for you, it's real for someone, and that still makes it impactful.

    Sometimes as humans, we should just let go of all the pretentious shit and just be simple bipeds roaming earth and talking to each other without all this presumptions, attitudes and judgements. I think this is one such case where you can just be a dumb human and share stories to have a good honest laugh with others
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    Aw that's not so bad. Just don't get caught!
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    @jestdotty I practice it way too many times in my head.. so I don't mess up with continuity or anything
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    @jestdotty none of this matters imo. That's my entire point. We should care less what others think, and this falls under that category
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    no no no, I'm not saying people are shit so you shouldn't care. I'm saying that we take ourselves too seriously and it can be suffocating to always try to follow unnecessary rules and being judged all the time on every little thing. I'm saying that if Sid wants to say a funny story in his own way, he should be able to do it without particularly caring about what we, or anyone else, thinks is the "right way" to tell it.

    He formulated it as a "confession" as if it's something to be ashamed of, so I'm assuming he's ashamed of doing it at least a little bit, and my 2 cents is that it's nothing to be ashamed of in the first place. Telling fun tales to friend should be carefree and fun, go ahead and bend some rules if it makes it a better time for everyone involved
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