
DevOps Engineer - Entire position exists primarily because Developers don't want to write YAML files

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    Not everyone is using ansible. But i am
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    DevOps Engineer - an entire position that exists because the people who usually deploy stuff are unable to read the deploy how-to that developers write.
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    Ex devops engineer. Can confirm, we're just yaml people.
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    Nah it is not about the burning hatered for a file format based on indentation

    It is more that each prop in a yaml cloud config can have 12 similar variants - take a while to grasp - and can bork your server if you get it wrong.

    And the company changes cloud deploy strategies every 2-3 years

    In a large company it make sense to have a few devops doing this instead of 90 devs learning it from scratch to do it once
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    This feels like an pysch-op
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    There's a lot more to DevOps then YAML files... Like Terraform, knowing your way round AWS/DO/GCP/Firebase/... infrastructure, configurations and such.

    And I say this as someone who hasn't gone deep into it as an SWE and who worked people who work in DevOps.
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    @Berkmann18 terraform accepts YAML/json, you don't need to know your way around cloud ui, you just need to know terraform (which is YAML). Configs are YAML (Ansible)
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    @PAKA And? Hardly anyone use Terraform without using HCL which is pretty much 99% of what you touch when doing Terraform stuff.
    And you don't need to have Ansible set up or any YAML configs to use Terraform.
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