
I once spent a full month browsing the internet and doing fuck all. When they eventually noticed and laid down the law threatening me. I resigned. I’d already started working my self employment, just needed to cover another months salary. I fucking won that one. No cunt gets the better of me!

  • 6
    I had this manager that lied about the nature of my job

    so I was stuck working full-time on her project and barred from working on any other projects
    and she kept telling me she'd replace me in 2 months but then 9 months rolled by... at month 6 HR asked me for skills so they know what to put on the job post. I was livid. she said she'd hire someone new in 2 months and they WEREN'T EVEN LOOKING?!

    so I proceeded to be so pissed I did no work, and then it continued for 3 months... this manager starts suddenly complimenting me left and right. I literally just went into work, opened up the code in front of me, and sat staring at the screen depressed... until I wanted to off myself eventually instead of continue this useless life. while she kept increasingly complimenting how well I work.

    what a joke

    I ended up quitting. they didn't pay me enough for that.

    but don't let anyone tell you your work ethic ever matters. never got me anything, and then I was proved just the opposite.
  • 0
    This is so relatable it hurts. ._.
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