Yay crickets, my favorite tinnitus sound 😁

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    this morning I woke up deaf in both ears

    I could not escape

    kinda makes you nuts
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    I’ve had it for a few months many years ago. Instrumental music and radio static helped me. I was learning to make radios at the time and when things didn’t work, the static at least gave me respite from the tinnitus chord.
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    @jestdotty were you literally deaf, couldn’t hear a thing?
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    @-red i got used to mine. It’s not even chronic, it’s on and off
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    @TeachMeCode I started having tinnitus some months into being mysteriously sick

    it went away then came back, but soon it became constant

    if I get sicker it gets louder, if I get better it gets quieter

    yesterday I woke up with all my insides of my ears both inflamed to the point they were swollen and as a result blocked and deaf. feels like having cotton in them but it's all the way and you can't get rid of it. 4 hours later one of my ears' swelling went down and I could hear from it again instead of the 1/5th volume stuff I was getting from them being clogged (and can't hear small noises at all)

    today I have also woke up deaf! but one of my ears has now cleared in like 30 minutes.

    anyway I still have tinnitus in both but them not being swollen would be a bigger help

    I hope this new issue means they're healing tho
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    @jestdotty sounds like inflammation and wax to me
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    welcome to my life
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