When people say that Gen Z is fucked, I used to scoff at them thinking it's not that bad as they make it out to be.

But I've witnessed it first hand now, it's real. Totally real. I only spoke about my salaries in my resume video and people are actually thanking me for telling the truth.

They're soooo used to getting told lies to, that someone even speaking a little bit truth is mind blowing to them. It breaks my heart, honestly.

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    Like what? Gen Z peeps are expecting very high salaries while in reality they’re low?
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    even when I was growing up people lied an awful lot

    I didn't know how you were supposed to navigate anything if everything anyone tells you is a damned lie

    then nihilism sets in because it's the only rational choice

    also because I fell for some of the lies I gained distrust issues, so even if data ever looked good I would just think it's bullshit and someone with an angle again
    the idea that someone wouldn't lie was too preposterous
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    brings me back to how... I was hired after an internship with 2 dudes. I was kept as dev but they became subcontractors. we all started at 37k. when I left at 3 years they invited me to a party, and turns out they were leaving as well. when we started they thought we shouldn't disclose salaries. but at this party, they disclosed. turns out I was still making 37k/38k. both of them were making 70k by then. one was gonna backstab the company, cuz he found out the client was paying 200k for him so he was gonna go work directly for them for 170k starting next month, the other left for a startup

    and I, with my dev role which both of them were jelly of, had made that company half their revenue 3 years in a row. millions of dollars. my title would've paid 60k.

    was it cuz I was a chick? doubt it. at parties the owner would unprompted tell me if I worked hard maybe I could get awards like other people. that confused me. because my work allowed that company to go from 15 employees to 50
  • 0
    Oh my
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