
fuck taxes, fuck you gov, you've done shit for me, actually, you're always assfucking me every fucking chance you get. So, yeah, I don't pay it in full, oh no, I put my shit where you can't find it, you fucking leech

you want my taxes, yeah? How bout you get off you fucking cockroach ass and gimme something I'd actually want. Legalize weed or abortion, you sick fuck. Reform the police, for fucksakes! Instead, you're always draggin it, pleasing then herd 🦬 well, then, keep taxing them cows and stay the fuck out of my wallet!

  • 0
    Seriously, you know how much I spend on milk, go on, start with that. It's 30L a month, lower that shit and we can talk

    --- yeah, I'm a milk boy
  • 2
    You stop paying your taxes, you stop using the infrastructure and services the rest of us are paying for.
  • 1
    @kobenz what's 30L in more globally recognized currencies?
  • 0
    @netikras 30 liters? No idea, in the US used to be about 12 bucks a liter, in Brazil it's 2.5 a piece
  • 0
    yeah, lol, cuz... geez, no, sorry, @black-kite, I can't indulge you on that nonsense, it's just too much
  • 1
    Sorry but you don’t make sense mate
  • 2
    Black Kite is right though. The government is doing something for you and that is providing you with the infrastructure, organization and even distributes the tax money to lower what you have to pay for services like water and electricity. I mean it doesn't really cost just 15 cents to get 1kWh energy from the power plant and maintain all hardware. You get to pay that because the money is pooled, proportionally to individuals income (percentage taxes) and is then used to pay for all that.

    I agree that laws are retarded and sometimes taxes can become a daylight robbery almost, just because you don't check a box or two on the tax form that's 15 years outdated... but it's definitely not fair to say that the gov doesn't do anything for you back for it.
  • 0
    @kobenz wat? 12$/1l of milk?? Is this for real?
  • 2
    infrastructure argument is beating a dead horse with a stick

    have you ever actually looked into the accounting of your government

    it's not infrastructure

    the whole idea of coerced mandatory tax is evil, philosophically stupid
    if someone steals from you and does things with the money, like idk, censoring your injured neighbour, making you wait at the DMV for 6 hours, accidentally taking someone's home away from them... this causes anger
    and what can the average person do? well voting doesn't work
    and suddenly it becomes apparent the government runs on force
    and the only option becomes to use force against force
    maybe you shouldn't have used force to steal from people in the first place

    we get mad ticketmaster does convenience charge and whatever else
    it's not infrastructure

    and by this point I dont think we should give any money to healthcare after being busted up and abused by them. all they do is make the real drugs illegal to get now. "helping people" is an excuse. 1$ to Africa
  • 0
    @netikras yep, if you're lazy like me and rather order everything online
  • 1
    @jestdotty ah your daily nonsense
  • 0
    yes @jestdotty, you take up arms and go storm Parliement Hill. Overthrow the government and show them what it’s all about!
  • 0
    @jestdotty yes, government spending is almost all wages and subsidies nowadays. Even more so for developed countries.

    Here, @black-kite, a rhyme to help you pick it up.

    "Infrastructure is a fixed cost
    You pay once and no more.
    But subsidies they're not,
    Pay your taxes, yes, you do,
    That bigass FANG, though
    that's who you're paying fool"

    do I make sense now, "mate"?
  • 0
    @jestdotty do you even realize what you write sometimes? You put yourself on that list by yourself girl? "and the only option becomes to use force against force
    maybe you shouldn't have used force to steal from people in the first place".

    @kobenz "Infrastructure is a fixed cost
    You pay once and no more." Dumbest thing I’ve heard in quite a while
  • 0
    @black-kite noice, good to see you learned
  • 0
    @kobenz I’m talking about the specific statement I quoted. Infrastructure is all but a fixed cost
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    here, it's Sunday, and I'm feeling blessed and will give it a go.
    Say I've built a road, @black-kit. How long do I have to pay for it after it's been built?
  • 0
    @kobenz mate, you work in IT. Certainly "maintenance" is not a concept foreign to you
  • 1
    @black-kite let me clarify.

    Imagine you built a giant laser to shoot down mind-controlling pigeons, like the government totally wants! The laser itself is the infrastructure – big upfront cost, but hey, gotta protect your brainwaves, right? That's a fixed cost.

    Now, those pesky pigeons keep trying to jam your laser with... well, let's say "pigeon power." Every time you zap a flock, you gotta recalibrate the laser, fix the singed feathers stuck in the mechanism (don't ask). That's maintenance – an ongoing cost to keep your mind-control shield operational.

    Roads and bridges are the same idea. Building them is the fixed cost. But keeping the Deep State from replacing them with illusionary holographic roads? That's maintenance, a service you gotta keep paying for if you want to avoid a reality breakdown on your next drive.
  • 0
    Infrastructure is a fixed cost, because you build that shit, maintaining it is a service your gov provides but it is NOT infrastructure
  • 0
    Hahahahaha you’re totally losing the debate so you go and invent some twisted story about mind-controlling pigeons. Wtf!!?
    - Ok, building the infrastructure is a fixed cost (duh).
    - Maintaining the infrastructure is a service that costs money (duh).
    In both sentences I read infrastructure. Of course I’m talking about building and maintaining infrastructure. Gotta pay taxes for both buddy. What are even trying to argue against here?
  • 0
    ok dude, I'm done here, get back to me once you're my age
  • 0
    @molaram legalizing cocaine would be a major change.

    It'd shift a fuckton of police funding into public health care

    + reduce the fuck out of our taxes cuz taxable cocaine means making "the junkies" pay for it
    + reduce the fuck out of health care spending since less people would go dead from bad coke and cuz meds are cheaper than guns and bullets
    + also reduce the fuck out of crime and basically drill a hole into drug cartels wallets

    I see only perks
  • 0
    Don't even let me start on how much safer our streets would be since we'd have researchers getting their hands on some coke and create stuff to check people for "coked out"-state, just like that alcohol testing brick they make you puff in
  • 0
    Oh yeah, and the job surplus and immigration reduction and bla blá blá... Like I said, I see only perks
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