
Just started playing Rust again after like 9 years and holy shit is this game not noob friendly at all

I play(ed) on a relatively chill server where raiding is only enabled in the last week before wipe every month and it's not too many people playing

So I'm out on adventure, I come back and my entire base is raided... Uhm okay, I did sort of have an uneasy feeling that I left the door open when I left so okay, my dumb mistake. Lesson learned: Always make sure doors are definitely closed

So I farmed hours more to get all my stuff back, repaired a vehicle, built a nice little garage, upgraded all my windows to reinforced windows so that nobody can interact with the car or my horse inside the house, just in case that allows you mount and get in the house that way, no clue

This day I log back in. Base completely cleaned the fuck out again

Actually what the fuck man. I did *everything* right, made sure every door is locked and closed, replaced all accessible windows with reinforced ones, had 27 days of upkeep materials and still, my entire progress of 10 hours of playing is gone again

What did I do wrong? After talking with people in chat apparently I had wooden frames for the doors, which apparently are just always destroyable by anyone... Even on a damn server where raiding is disabled. Yea sure makes sense

I like Rust but holy shit, this core game mechanic of raiding is still one I cannot get over. It's so stupid to be cleaned out over night while you're not even online. It's just fucking frustrating to start all over AGAIN farming and farming and farming. I didn't really want to play because the game always looked like a meta gaming sweat fest and this just proves that it's exactly that. You have to know every single meta game mechanic to even have your damn base survive overnight

On a positive note I did figure out that unity's concurrent garbage collection doesn't seem to be a big problem for a proper fps game though, so that's something

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