
I really gotta stop accepting food from other people

my birthday was the other day and my roommate wanted to get me something special to eat for free

I said I keep dreaming of the samosa salad from Indian places he would get and I would keep stealing a spoon full of to try (this was after I got sick and insensitive to food so I was cautious)

he insisted it was from this fast food place... that's weird. I don't think it was. he insists all Indian places have it on their menu but he just didn't know. and he was getting this fast food's place one and that's the one I liked. ok. I consent.

I go running, come back, shower, hungry and food arrived, so I scuff down half the samosa salad thing
now I feel like trash
and it tastes nothing like it
it has fucking BBQ sauce in it. no yogurt. it's supposed to be Indian. what the fuck, sweet-ass bqq sauce? the spiciness is some retarded white people taste. this isn't the punch of Indian food.
30% of the mass is cucumber. wat. there's fucking pomegranate seeds in it so you can't even chew it. what am I even eating. the samosa pieces are all soggy and not crunchy like I remember. the spiciness sucks. there's no yogurt to counteract it either. just pathetic

and now I feel like garbage. I feel sick to my stomach. because that BBQ sauce was a lot more sugar than you could taste.

I fucking hate my life. I hope I don't get sick from the food, cuz I have food insensitivities... and I knew before when I took spoonfuls of what he ordered they didn't effect me... but that wasn't this.

this fucker literally lied and used me to order food guilt-free under the pretense of "hey it's your birthday and I wanna get you a meal". and he orders disgusting fast food that isn't even food. "for me". while lying to me. me who can't even eat the damned cherries I love without my brain degrading because those are too much sugar. what the hell is wrong with this guy

I know I got downvoted for this before but fuck I hate fat people. I don't want to eat fast food. I want real food. I don't want to get sick off fake fucking BBQ sauce infused with disgusting sugar. all this guy does is make excuses for the food he wants to eat. maybe I'm just literally food insensitive watching him eat himself to death I don't know. I feel like puking

I swear nothing good anyone ever does for you is ever for you. people are rotten.

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    BBQ sauce? On a fucking samosa?

    Dump him.
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    Fuck this guy. If he's too cheap to buy a proper food for his roommate's birthday then he should just say so. Why buy something disgusting instead.
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    I do not mind a little cushion for the pushing - thou I'm a scrawny stick of a man, I like them curves.

    I do mind obesity thou. Not that it's ugly or anything, but, unless it's a genetic issue, I can't fathom how the fuck do those obese-by-habit people eat all that nutricidal shit when there's literally a child going hungry on the street next door. That, to me, that's a character flaw.


    Down vote me all you want, but if you're fat just cuz you eat too much and not cuz you were born that way, you should be giving away that extra calorie intake to those in need instead
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    Come to India, Jest. I'll have you eat such authentic Indian food that you will shit your intestines out for 3 days straight. lmao.
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    Happy birthday jest!
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    @kobenz in America if you eat so much that you cant move it qualifies as an actual, gov supported, disability. Then not only will they give you free healthcare and a monthly stipend, but clearly, you need 200 bucks a month for food too...

    I can say this while having quite the shield against typical morons-- the kind that don't realise there's a difference between a random opinion and valid opinions (not right/wrong... based on real facts or not). Im overweight but was obese most of my life and im FAR past the threshold for physical disability since i was 13.

    Obesity is not a fashion statement. Anyone that's just blindly doing anything to not directly convey it IS a detrimental life, and societal, issue IS also part of the problem. While ridicule isn't the answer, pretending like it's ok certainly isnt.

    I wasnt born fat, never had enormously high cal intake. I was born w/ shit genes and on opiates since 13, doesn't change that obesity is not healthy. Nor is slicing arteries.
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    @jestdotty obesity is mostly caused by 2 factors, which are often jump-started by a poor env.

    There's dopamine (along with some other, mainly less influential chemicals u make) and there's adaptive body chemistry. Dopamine, like all addictions and a nearly any good feeling, is produced in excess, flooding your brain chemistry to provide the happy feeling... so innately addicting. It's produced at faster higher rates from simple sugars and easily accessed carbs (ice cream, mashed potatoes... esp the freeze dried flake kind). Your mind gets trained that X foods = happy... so, like any good drugs, you're naturally drawn to them from emotionally imprinted happy feels.

    Humans can also adapt well, especially if those habits are introduced younger. Lactose intolerance is a good example. If you dont consume lactose for awhile your body produced less lactase so you cant tolerate as much. Fiber is similar, so is suddenly eating a bunch of junk food (or healthy food).
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    @jestdotty oh... forgot to mention... my bday is the 20th... another thing in common apparently.
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    @jestdotty sugars(aka not just sweet things) producing dopamine is a factual basic human response; how you psychologically manifest it is totally different.

    Also, sugar doesn't cause dementia. If you're having neuro effects after consuming sugars, i suggest you get some tests (including parathyroid and blood glucose) ordered from your PCP.
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    @jestdotty you mentioned 'not just dopamine' as if i didnt explicity say dopamine and other chemicals.

    You also seem to be ref to only sugar, like sweet things, im talking about sugars... which are produced from many things, like what i mentioned.

    While youre not totally wrong on the body producing less of something because of it already existing, it's definitely not that cut and dry.

    All organs that process any part of intake from food/drugs can be damaged by too much of anything. Ofc this includes sugar... and water, meat too.

    Im oddly fond of you but, frankly, youre extremely prone to basically anything that can be psychosomatic. So something like a feeling you, specifically to a higher degree, get from ingesting X is not something id assume is firmly based in what X actually is, moreso your interpretation of what X is/does. Lots of humans work that way, my brain is just wired differently. Your feelings can even impact the chemical results, especially dopamine and adrenaline.
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    @jestdotty reminds me of what my dad told me about this date he was with who ended it right then and there when he took her out to a cheap hot dog stand
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    @jestdotty im not sure what you see as irrelevant there... also have no clue why youd think that i, of all people, would sugar coat anything (honestly, solid laugh there... between this and fullstackcircus assuming i work as a 9-5 drone ive gotten some rare laughs recently). Though this statement is likely irrelevant, i do get caught up on being highly specific when there is actually irrelevant, wrong, info.

    If you ever want a source for something i can find one. Most of my opinions can be backed with sources that arent just me as well... if we get deep into recursive etymology or Coefficients of Expansion, there's a good chance id be the source though. I do have people in those fields that can back me.

    As for you being prone to psychosomatic issues, my real source would be you. You posted multiple references to psychosomatic conditions and directly suggested you may have them, apparently unaware of what the term meant. Youve also linked health articles that countered yourself.
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    @jestdotty have to admit, the bbq on the Indian food sounds like the issue I have with “Chinese” food restaurants adding crap to their food like msg and shredding my not so great digestive system. I can eat spicy curry and anything with 50 herbs n spices but there’s something NOT right about “Chinese” food and I tend to avoid staple stuff like general tsos chicken or lo mein uuuughhh my stomach is already on fire thinking about general tsos

    Vietnamese or Korean are my two tops in terms of anything east of India. That plus sushi but I won’t usually go out of my way to pay 10 bucks for pieces of raw fish that won’t quiet down my hunger but I could always eat raw fish if they aren’t damn expensive

    @awesomeest your go to has real Chinese, the closest I can probably get to real Chinese is an Asian grocery store 5 mins from me. Tons of sushi places and southeast Asian places though, we got Thai, Vietnamese, etc. there’s a Thai place 2 mins from me lol
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    @jestdotty even if i understood that, i don't really walk... maybe slowly limping bait?
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    @jestdotty even the general tso’s served at a local Korean place doesn’t make me want to vomit! It tastes like it wasn’t from a beaten chicken for once. Plus the restaurants are less disgusting. I’m surprised I never saw a rat in these Chinese places.

    Pho with fatty brisket is high on my Vietnamese list.

    Ramyun noodles with squid and fish meatballs kicks my ass from the Korean places especially when it’s spicy. Needs squid at minimum or any other creature in the octopus club
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    @awesomeest I thought lactose intolerance is something totally genetic that you can’t prevent. Milk was shredding me when I turned 16 and I had cereal every morning for breakfast
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    @TeachMeCode genes can certainly be a factor... i wouldn't call it preventable, like the acquired diabetes, but for most people there's the big factors of if they regularly eat that much dairy and basic gut health(especially the kind that thrives on good bacteria like from probiotics and/or yogurt)
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    @SidTheITGuy India's street food scares the shit out of me. That aside, I'd like to visit India one day. See some old stuff. Doesn't get older than India. Maybe China's older, but I doubt it
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    @awesomeest I might look into those probiotic supplements on days I want my omelette breakfasts with starchy potatoes (yeah I eat those giant russet potatoes which are the real starchy kind)
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    @TeachMeCode probiotics, like vitamins, are intended as daily use.
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    @kobenz No need to be scared. I will take you to places which may look like shit but the food's there is legendary. You'd remember your visit to India for years to come.

    But yeah, you're gonna shit your intestines out for couple weeks. Worth it, right?
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    A white Canadian girl eating authentic Indian food. Hmm, I wonder how long it would take for you to work up to it.

    I imagine we gotta keep meds for acidity, diarrhoea and headaches, ready for you for at least couple weeks.
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    @jestdotty lactase is the enzyme for lactose processing. I use it daily because its less complicated than finding or creating a bunch of non-dairy things i like.

    I did actually create an awesome and surprisingly healthy snack thing when i was cleaning out my pantry months ago. Its just quinoa, parmesan and baby spinach... and a lot of seasoning like turmeric, mustard seed, etc. Idk what to call it. Im not typically a fan of quinoa but it's oddly good/addicting in this form. Its like crunchy and crispy, but also looks weird. Technically it could be the sole food someone eats and itd still be balanced fats, fiber, most vitamins, protein, etc.
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    Lactase doesnt fix lactose intolerance, it just can be taken as a supplement.

    In my experience, know-it-alls tend to be primarily interested in praise from others. I'm genuinely not interested in that... like so much that most people who know me would be laughing at the thought. I really just respond to things on autopilot.

    I do know a bunch of shit; it's not at all limited to useful/applicable categories. Most of it is primarily from me getting into situations over my head and/or finding something that annoys me that leads me down a rabbit-hole where i end up learning a bunch of mostly useless things in intense detail.

    Seriously, if you think my commentary is meant to show off my depths of knowledge, i wish i could show you my actual knowledge stores... such a low% is at all helpful. By mid 3rd grade i had read through all 3½ sets of encyclopaedias at my school. Some things i avoid like cars and programming for xbox, but everything else i tend to rabbit-hole.
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    @jestdotty i read super fast and get bored very easily. I end up with a bunch of typically useless levels of specificity. like hard drives... as a kid(~7) i wanted to know why it was 1024 not 1000. I got a bunch of books on numbers theories and math (from the local library, saying my dad told me to get them... he never read books, actually bragged about not reading, so there was no risk of him actually being in the library ever).

    I ended up learning algebra but still no answer. I asked the question to a librarian. They said maybe it had something to do with hardware. I checked out all the books on computing methods and hardware along with an adjacent book on binary. After reading those i broke open a broken hard drive and snuck into a classroom on the weekend to borrow a microscope so i could see the hard drive and compare to the books.

    This is my natural background process. Idk what itd be like if i didn't read so damn fast lol
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    If only alcohol can be a health food lol
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    If we can make boring health foods deadly and loaded nachos healthy I would nominate that person responsible for king of the universe
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    @TeachMeCode wine as seasoning goes great👍🏻

    green for fish, white for birds and red for mammals - cane sugar rum if it's grilled meat
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    also, a quick and delicious whiskey dessert comes to mind right now.
    Takes a tin of condensed milk, a table spoon of butter, two of chocolate (or sugared cocoa) and a shot of whiskey.

    Mix it all in a pan and slow cook it up till it starts adhering to the pan, but not a second more. Let it cool. Eat it with a spoon or mold it into small ping-pong sized balls for a snack style goodtime
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    @kobenz what’s a good hangover recipe? I feel fucked now. Usually I eat omelettes for hangovers or something greasy
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    @TeachMeCode find yourself some engov and take one. It's a Brazilian med that actually cures hangovers. It's composed of aluminum hydroxide, acetylsalicylic acid and mepyramine maleate.
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    @kobenz sounds good! Thanks!
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    Brazilians, much like Russians, drink a lot 🤣
    Shit, Brazil and Russia are more alike than I thought, @jestdotty
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    Btw, remove the whiskey from that dessert there and it can tame feral children
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    @TeachMeCode also, if you did more drugs, some epocler will fix that asap
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    @TeachMeCode yeah wine is a health food

    cuz reservatrol

    some plants have it but in insignificant amounts. wine has a lot of it
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    @jestdotty here's a 45 secondish one: a spoon of butter, in a mug, 5 sec on a microwave, put 2 spoons of flour, 1 of chocolate in that mug, add a little baking soda and some liquor or whiskey. Mix it however you like it. put it back for more ≈30 seconds in the microwave and thou shall have a mug-brownie.
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    HOLY shit I take back what i said about Taco Bell in awesomeests bean rant, I feel so bad bc I ordered from their cantina menu, the chicken burrito meal with avocado ranch sauce and taco supreme and DAMN THAT WAS GOOD. There’s better Mexican places around (in fact Taco Bell barely makes it in the Mexican restaurant league) but I ordered out of curiosity bc one of my fav YouTuber’s penguinz0 who is damn refined actually liked it in a review.

    The chicken and avocado ranch was so damn good I was in fucking bliss eating it, even the nacho cheese wasn’t as nasty as usual for Taco Bell.
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    Well tbh I think it was the avocado ranch that did it. But damn I almost want to drink an entire bottle of that stuff
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