
Am I the only one who's somewhat creeped out by LinkedIn profiles written in 3rd person?

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    Who does that?? Sounds ridiculous, but it’s probably an attempt to make their descriptions sound heroic, as if there’s a narrator describing their legendary journey as the hero of Hyru…whoops I mean district manager of Buffalo Wild Wings in Delaware
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    @TeachMeCode this guy added me. I dont live anywhere near TX.
  • 4
    I also find it extra sleezy when someone, esp in 3rd person, mentions their amazing business ethics...
  • 3
    @awesomeest they’re full of shit. For all we know he’s the head of a brick shit house behind the dumpster fire and next to the mobil station. And yeah anyone who feels too immortal to speak like a damn human and discuss themselves in first person shouldn’t be discussing ethics and is highly likely to be an absolute downright asshole
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    @TeachMeCode his message to me was that we have some "local overlap" ...claims to be in TX but im assuming that's a lie or he'd realise TX and MI are very far apart lol.
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    @awesomeest fuck!!! I’ll be damned if these are actual people, they’re either bots glitchin out or they’re scary braindead Michigan is dead north, did this guy read a fucking map??? You’d think the fucking lord of the real estate rings in Texas would know the local area as someone who sold a shit ton of houses??? Or at least know where fucking Texas is compared to a north as hell state like Michigan brushing edges with Canada???

    Crazy he wants to link you but didn’t bother reading your profile or perhaps he’s smart enough to sell mansions but dumb enough to think Michigan is damn near texas/cant read for shit

    There’s barely anything organic over there, just mostly bots, recruiters, and plastic business droids who are biologically people but have that plastic language you’d expect from chatgpt or C-3PO actually I’m being a bit hard on threepio

    It’s a shitpool of plastic marionettes
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    @jestdotty that’s her lol
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    @jestdotty does that look like a male Hispanic to you? lol

    Probably a shit app glitching out
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    @jestdotty this is his picture
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    @TeachMeCode he looks like an ex of mine who got diagnosed as psychopathic lol

    though this guy got depression look about him

    mentioning integrity... ethics. sus

    writing matches depression vibe, he accidentally drifts off in verbs/adverbs/adjectives sometimes

    exhaustiveness of information gives accountant vibes so there might be a real business there

    idk I don't talk to business people

    who the hell can claim integrity and ethics for other people, eesh
    I'd assume tyranny, and probably blameshifting firing underlings out of frustration

    I don't actually know what he does tho
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    @jestdotty damn did you graduate manga cum laude from @awesomeest ‘s academy of deep psychoanalysis lol. Yeah he looks sleezy, this lizard is not someone you should socialize with
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    @jestdotty 🙃

    - You write in 3rd person for bragging in resume. I write in 3rd person for internal company stuff. We're not the same.
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    @jestdotty i just didnt edit the screenshot. The blonde female with short hair, face piercings and glasses is me/my pic on LinkedIn. It's a few yrs old; I gotta update it soon... *ugh*
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    @awesomeest I suck at colors, if I look hard enough it’s blonde but if I half ass glance or don’t squint hard enough it looks red lol.
  • 4
    Demolishun hated that.
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    @awesomeest I got no clue what LinkedIn GUI looks like but I assumed picture + name means that's the picture of the person with that name

    what has UX become!
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    I don't care, I'm not a recruiter.
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    @jestdotty UX has become what it was implicitly created to be... a very abbreviated version and quality of user experience.
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    I actually messaged this guy back with why i wasnt accepting. Even told him i asked devRant to be sure it wasn't just my view.
    Surprisingly he responded and said thanks for the feedback.
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    @awesomeest then he drank a liter of tequila, smashed all his tequila bottles, knocked his wife out, and threw his computer and chair out the window, with his big chair landing on someone’s car shattering the windows with the burglar alarm going off. He then got into his own car, rammed it into the car he hit (pretending he’s running over devrant members)bc why not do more damage before speeding out of the parking lot, hitting a cat with his death vehicle who died instantly and speeds off into traffic blazing through red lights and causing a 20 car pileup
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    @awesomeest well he did sound depressed so that makes me feel it validates my guess on depression

    I wonder why he's depressed
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode that escalated quickly 👀
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    @jestdotty then his car crashes and hitches a ride with Wario. He then gets launched out of Warios car and ends up on top of a whale who grants him three wishes and he then gains immortality. The war between whales and sharks has come to an end and everyone in this thread parties with him at Sonic’s house

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    @TeachMeCode I didn't realize Sonic was a woman. I may have gotten her pregnant. It was all so fast.
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    @Demolishun 🤣🤣🤣🤣😁🤣🤣

    OMG tell me more about how you got Sonic pregnant

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    I need a nice story as I eat my 1 am pancakes
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    @jestdotty i kinda wanna link him to this... is that bad?
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    @Demolishun I think you’re confusing sonic with Amy. She’s old enough by now. Now you’ll have hedgehog furries as children
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    @jestdotty well now im curious about this thing/guy lol.
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    @jestdotty you sure he can compete with her monster brain? You got a needle in a huge haystack
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    @jestdotty she’s freakish level intellect based on interactions, super duper rare. Just sayin, this person also has to be super duper rare (I’m not accusing you of being wrong or bs-ing, just pointing out the steep requirements to be like her)

    I’m not a simp/Knight of the Awesomeest order lol just pointing out the steep params
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    @jestdotty he THINKS he’s an mit grad??? Is he schitzophrenic
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